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International Calling to Iran

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Prepaid Iran phone cards.
Buy calling cards to Iran online and save money

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Call Iran and save money with international phone cards from LDPost

Our prepaid international calling cards to Iran offer high connection quality at low calling rates. There are no contracts to sign or commitments to make to use prepaid Iran phone cards. Finding the best international calling card to Iran is easy! Simply compare Iran calling rates, check the terms of use, select your international phone card to Iran and enjoy your conversation.

International dialing code +98

When calling from USA to Iran dial 011+98+Phone Number
View Rates for calls to Iran, Mobile >>>

Phone card rates for calls from USA to Iran:

Phone CardRate
Frugal Asia phone card Frugal Asia
Frugal Asia
16.5 ¢/min detailsBuy this phone card
Asia MAMA phone card Asia MAMA
16.9 ¢/min detailsBuy this phone card
Global Papa phone card Global Papa
Global Papa
17.5 ¢/min detailsBuy this phone card
TeleTzar phone card TeleTzar
17.5 ¢/min detailsBuy this phone card
The Good Card phone card The Good Card
The Good Card
17.5 ¢/min detailsBuy this phone card

Iran mobile codes:
+98 9, +98 911

Iran cities
CityDialing code
Abadan+98 631
Ahwaz+98 61
Amol+98 2421
Arak+98 861
Ardabil+98 451
Babol+98 111
Bandar Abb+98 361
Birdjand+98 561
Boroudjerd+98 6621
Dezfould+98 641
Esfahan+98 311
Ghazvin+98 281
Gorgan+98 271
Hamadan+98 811
Ilam+98 4381
Karadj+98 2221
Kashan+98 2521
Kerman+98 341
Kermanshah+98 431
Khoramabad+98 661
Khoy+98 461
Majafabad+98 3292
Malayer+98 2631
Maragheh+98 4221
Mashad+98 511
Masjed Sol+98 681
Qom+98 251
Rasht+98 231
Rezaiyeh+98 441
Sanandaj+98 4321
Sari+98 2431
Shiraz+98 711
Sirian+98 3459
Tabriz+98 411
Tehran+98 21
Yazd+98 351
Zaadjan+98 2821
Zahedan+98 541

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Calling Cards to Iran

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