International Callback   long distance service
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International Callback

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Details of International Callback with Peanuts PrepaidAbout Direct Speed Dial Long Distance Direct Speed Dial service

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Web Callback
SMS Mobile Callback
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Direct Speed DialDirect Speed Dial
Web CallbackWeb Callback
SMS CallbackSMS Callback
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International Callback with Peanuts Prepaid service
Prepaid Callback with very low international rates

International Callback

With Peanuts-Callback you can:

  • Specify any 2 numbers to be connected and they will be connected within 30 seconds or so.
  • Specify to call you back wherever you are - be it in China, Australia or Brazil. We will call you back within 30 seconds of your request and provide you with the regular Peanuts Prepaid prompt to enter your destination number, so you can call to your party in USA or Tanzania.
  • Schedule a callback call for a later time, let say in 5 hours or in 6 days. Peanuts-Callback will send a reminder for the scheduled call to you.
  • Use the address book. You can dial your most frequently called party by name, rather than by the phone number.
Prepaid Callback


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Prepaid Callback Program

Peanuts Prepaid has been serving customers with high quality reliable phone services for years. It works as rechargeable phone card and offers great low rates, plus tons of features, like PIN-less dialing, Speed Dial, CallBack, International Access Numbers, Auto Account Recharge and more...

Peanuts Prepaid offers a great feature known as International CallBack: CallBack is ideal for making phone calls worldwide. Travel to any country and use your Peanuts Prepaid account.

The CallBack feature is simple. It allows you to make phone calls from any country in the world without the use of an access number at a very low rate.

Choose any of our two unique Callback Options:

wireless airtime Cards   Mobile Phone

Web Triggered Callback

Web Triggered international Callback
Recharge Airtime   Refill Cell Cards

SMS Triggered Callback

SMS Triggered International Callback
  • Allows you to place calls from anywhere on earth where you have a computer and the access to any speed Internet

  • Login to your Peanuts Prepaid account. Enter the phone number you would like to connect with and phone number where you are located. Click the connect button and in seconds your phone will ring to the connected line.

  • CallBacks can either be done for the present time, or scheduled for the future, with e-mail reminders.

  • Calling Detail records available on-line

  • Find Peanuts Prepaid callback rate
  • Allows you to place calls from anywhere on earth with your mobile phone.

  • Send an SMS message from a mobile phone, and Peanuts Prepaid will connect you to your party.

  • CallBacks can either be done for the present time, or scheduled for the future.

  • You can connect any two phones around the globe, not just the mobile phones.

  • Calling Detail records available on-line

  • Find Peanuts Prepaid callback rate
SMS callback 

Web-Triggered Callback details

Prepaid airtime Cards   mobile Phones
SMS callback 

SMS-Triggered Callback details

wireless refill Cards   prepaid wireless Phone

This service is great for Travelers. It is also very good for people calling from Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam and other US territories, where the Toll Free number for Peanuts does not work and there are no local access numbers.

More about Peanuts Prepaid Dial Around Long Distance Service

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International Callback

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International Callback   international Call Forwarding rates